About Us


Exodus Sports and Recreation Group is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to redefining community and building stronger families by providing academic, sports and other recreational co-curricular initiatives for inner-city student athletes and their families.

Exodus Sports & Recreation Group recognizes that it takes a village to raise a child. Fortunately, Exodus SRG also understands that not every parent or guardian with a child has the luxury of living in a stable village. That is why here at Exodus SRG we pride ourselves on our investment of our time, resources and attention to the inner-city youth, through sports and recreation.

Our organization recognizes the life-changing importance of programs that educate and support the next generation of young people. It’s the mentorship provided in said programs that allow the next generation to reach their full potential in academics, sports, music, dance and beyond.




It all started in 2022, when a young New York City Special Investigator named X. Noble left his career job in law enforcement for what friends and family believed was his calling, working with kids. A short time after being employed at a Harlem middle school, X, with the help of a few scholars created a middle school girls basketball team. However, due to lack of interest from Middle School Administration the ‘’School’s Team” was not funded. However, with help from the community, X raised enough funds to start a girls travel basketball team. The team (Harlem Xpress) received full uniforms, backpacks, a team media-day, weekly practices, admission to basketball summer camps, and went on to play in five tri-state tournaments, all in a nine-month span. Since then, X’s vision has been to use sports and recreation to educate, protect and care our youth while bridging the gap in the families of our inner-cities communities.